Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Water Baby
Becca and I signed up Amelia and Ari for swim lessons only a couple of weeks ago, only to find out that everything was full. We were put on a waiting list and found out late last week that we got in. The class was Mom and Tot and I only found out yesterday what that really meant. It meant that I had to get in the water, down to my shoulders, holding Amelia in an area that she could not stand on her own. It meant that I had to freeze for 30 minutes while singing songs and, I may have mentioned this before, holding Amelia in the deeper part of the pool while we both froze to death. As we were leaving the pool, I saw a nice girl with the class lists and asked her if I could switch Amelia to the "Preschool" class, no Moms allowed. She, very nicely, crossed off Amelia's name from one list and added her to the new class. Shwooo. Fast forward to this evening. I went to the pool in my jeans, remained in my jeans, and never had a drop of water on me. Amelia went into the pool herself, splashed around, jumped like crazy to whoever wanted to catch her, and held hands with friends she had never met before. Danny came to watch and Leo stayed in the stroller the whole time. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. Amelia not only went to the class by herself, but truly enjoyed being there. I was so proud of her and gave her the thumbs up everytime she took a minute out of her splashing to give me a smile.
Friday, July 20, 2007
The Perfect Day
After a busy week of me working and us running around, I wanted to do something fun with the kids, yet keeping on the quieter side of fun...
Amelia told me she wanted to go on the "real train" at the mall. Before we went to the mall, we ran to Garden Fresh and Walmart, picking up essentials for the weekend. After the mall, we ran up to Bubbie's for lunch and now we are home, challah rising in the kitchen and everyone resting up for Shabbat dinner at Bubbie and Zadie's. Aside from the remaining mounds of dishes in the kitchen, today is what I call a perfect day.
I had bought both kids these cute sunglasses last week, but Leo wanted nothing to do with them. For some reason, he wanted them on today and, lucky for me, I had the camera in the car.
We were hoping Leo would want to take his first train ride, but he opted out. The cars were more his speed. Maybe next time...
Our first trip to the Disney store was very exciting!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Cat's Out of the Bag
This past Sunday, I asked Becca to cut Amelia's bangs before she went home. I made the huge mistake of asking it in front of the "big" boys in the family. If you would have heard the gasps that resulted from my request, you may have thought I was asking for her first born. Lucky for us, all the big boys (and Becca's first born) were at a Milwaukee Brewers game this afternoon and not available for a second consult. Amelia sat perfectly and loved the whole thing. Maybe next time, we wont stop at the bangs :)
And a 1 and a 2
After a quiet morning of bowling with Tante/Mommy and ice cream, I felt the kids needed to get up and exercise. When I told them to stand up and give me some jumping jacks, I had no idea they knew what to do, let alone how exciting it was for them.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
A new obsession to add to the list...
I know it's a good thing, but now I have to choose between taking pictures and video taping the cuteness around me. It's a hard thing to do!
Here are my latest captures:
Ari and Amelia being themselves in our bedroom at the hotel.
Amelia and Leo enjoying their bath time - I wish they could entertain themselves like this when I am trying to get housework done.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Happy 39th Bubba and Zeedee
Yesterday was Bubbie and Zadie's (Leo says their names alot cuter) 39th wedding anniversary, the lucky 7-7-07. We all were extremely lucky because, in order to celebrate, they took us all to the Blue Harbor Resort in Sheboygan, Wi. This was our second time there and we had a fabulous time. Because I am married to an 85 year old, they put us in the Presidential Suite with no stairs, making it easy for Danny to get to the couch :) The kids ran around like crazies, making it possible for Leo to take the record on total injuries for one weekend. The food was plentiful and the waterpark was great. Everyone enjoyed themselves - what else is new? Thanks, Bubbie and Zadie :)
Everything that Ari does, Leo laughs at
Leo exploring the stairs at the waterpark - he just mastered them at home, too!
The "fabulous four" in action
Rise N' Shine...breakfast is always a fun time
Amelia and Noah were tired of the conventional way of sitting at the table...
From hugs to tackles...that's how it always works
In between tackles, we made it the waterpark