The Perfect Day
After a busy week of me working and us running around, I wanted to do something fun with the kids, yet keeping on the quieter side of fun...
Amelia told me she wanted to go on the "real train" at the mall. Before we went to the mall, we ran to Garden Fresh and Walmart, picking up essentials for the weekend. After the mall, we ran up to Bubbie's for lunch and now we are home, challah rising in the kitchen and everyone resting up for Shabbat dinner at Bubbie and Zadie's. Aside from the remaining mounds of dishes in the kitchen, today is what I call a perfect day.
I had bought both kids these cute sunglasses last week, but Leo wanted nothing to do with them. For some reason, he wanted them on today and, lucky for me, I had the camera in the car.
We were hoping Leo would want to take his first train ride, but he opted out. The cars were more his speed. Maybe next time...
Our first trip to the Disney store was very exciting!
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