Garden Fresh
Ever since Garden Fresh - our home away from home - moved into the new building, Amelia uses her own shopping cart when we are there. It is a mini shopping cart that is just her size and Amelia counts on it as part of her shopping experience. If we dont see one with the big shopping carts, I ask the nice man if he can find one for us - it is *that* important. Anyway...tonight we picked up a few things for the week; I had some groceries in my cart, but the majority of things were in Amelia's cart. When I got into line, I put my things on the conveyer belt and Amelia followed me and started putting hers up there as well. Amelia was still putting her things on the conveyer when I heared the cashier say to me, "$3.71 please." I look up and the cashier had stopped where my things ended and Amelia's began, as if it was a separate order. I know it will be sooner than I want to think that Amelia will start doing all the shopping, but let's not push it.
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