Friday, August 29, 2008

Future Jeopardy Star

While we were on our road trip, the kids loved looking at all the different license plates that passed by. I really didn't think it would carry on after we got home, but you would be amazed at how many different plates we see in one day. Leo is cute and asks "what is that license plate?" throughout the day, but Amelia is our true license plate aficianado. Phone calls are made throughout the day, both by Amelia and to Amelia, giving updates on new license plates that were just spotted. Yesterday, as a total suprise, Uncle Gary had a set of Nifty Plates from the Fifty States delivered and you can imagine the look on Amelia's face! These pictures were taken about three minutes after she woke up this morning...and I am sure they will be the last thing she puts away tonight. Thanks, Uncle Gary!


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