Sunday, August 06, 2006

Dads, we love you guys, but there is something about Mommies

In the sweetest voice, Amelia told me all day today, "Mom, I need you". "I need you, too", I responded. Amelia is a bit under the weather and required alot of attention today. There was a point, in the doctor's office, where I was nursing Leo and had Amelia holding on to me for dear life. After a long day of not feeling good - her tummy, head, knee, nose, you name it - Amelia crawled onto my lap tonight and fell asleep. I hope she has sweet dreams and I don't see her until she peaks into my room (way too early) tomorrow morning, but I have a feeling I will be hearing from her long before that. As exhausted as I am, I know there is no substitute for Mommy, and I would never step aside if there were.


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