Thursday, August 07, 2008

Big Boy!!

Leo always knew that when we got back from our Big Trip, there would be "NO more diapers!" What that meant, exactly, I am not sure he realized. Monday we couldn't get started, so I started on Tuesday. Underwear on and pish everywhere, but in the potty....not my idea of a good time. Yesterday, I did pull-ups and hours on the potty. Nothing...until a little dribble around 5pm with Bubbie and Amelia looking on. This morning, I had to do some errands and there was no interest in the potty, so I put Leo in a pull-up, dropped Amelia off for camp, went to the bed store and then to Target to get rainbow ice cream and M&M's to entice Leo a little bit. We got home and I heard him calling me, "lets go to the potty!!". I was sure he just wanted some of that ice cream, until - all of a sudden - PISH!!!!!! I have never been so thrilled to see urine in my entire life! We screamed alot, I kissed him all over his face and then we went to put on real underwear and have our ice cream. Leo did take a break to call Daddy and tell him the news! :))


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