Monday, May 26, 2008

One thing to check off my list...maybe ;)

One of the few things that we are doing to prepare for baby #3 is rearranging the sleeping arrangements around here. Depending on many things, I may switch bedrooms around in a year or so, but for the time being, Amelia and Leo will soon be roommates. In preparation for this big change, I have been pushing the subject alot lately. So much, it seems, that they both started asking to sleep in each other's rooms. The other night we put Amelia on Leo's floor and, within minutes, Leo was in the kitchen telling me something other than "goodnight, Mommy, I will see you in 12 hours." Amelia went back in her room, Leo was quite sad and his first words in the morning were, "want to sleep with Amelia." So, I guess my exhaustion got the best of me when they asked me again tonight and I said "yes". An hour of Amelia's door opening and little footsteps finally came to an end and they both are sound asleep. Well, Amelia did just get up and need some milk, but that isn't so abnormal. And, not to worry, I am not so delusional to think I will be getting any sleep tonight. It will all be worth in the end...I hope!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby #3?! Congratulations!

7:50 AM  

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